When you need legal help, our offices are here for you. At The Law Office Of Aniello D. Cerreto, Esq, we have five listed locations and many other additional offices around the state for your convenience, open six days a week. Work with an attorney that you can rely on to do the hard work for your case.
The Law Office of Aniello D. Cerreto, Esq., is a full-service law firm that represents our clients across a range of issues. While we focus mainly on family law, we can also support you in many other cases as well:
Expungement: even after you've served your time, your record follows you and can result in missed opportunities. If you've paid your debt, then it's time to get your record officially wiped clean so you can move on with your life.
Criminal defense: when you are charged with a serious crime, you need the best representation right away. We offer a vigorous and knowledgeable defense.
Municipal law: do you know your local laws and codes? For 30 years we have been practicing New Jersey law at the local level, serving in all counties across the state.
Learn more about our office and about Mr. Cerretto on this site. We also offer legal services for
family law,
bankruptcy law, and
trusts, and
“You can also feel confident and assured knowing that if the time for litigation exists in your life because of an unreasonable adversary, I am up to the task and will help you.”
- Mr. Cerreto
"This defendant person, as are all defendant persons, in criminal cases, is and are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. That presumption continues throughout the whole trial of the case and even during your deliberations unless and until you have determined that the State has proven his or her guilt beyond a reasonable doubt."
- All Domestic and family disputes
- Expungement
- Criminal Defense
- PTI applications
- All Municipal Court
- Bail Hearings
- Assault, Battery
- Attempted Offenses
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